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Write more effective call to actions

When you work with communication you often have a goal. To get your recipients to reach that goal, you use one or more call to actions. It could be a headline, a body text or a button – often all three of them.
What most of us already know is that the design of a call to action is important, simply by choosing another color or placement can make the conversion increase. The same principle goes for the text: just by expressing yourself a little bit different can lead to more people going through with the action.

Three questions

There are three things you can ask yourself when you’re writing your call to action:

  1. Does the text create curiosity?
  2. Does the text create expectation?
  3. Is the reward clear?

“Click here”- Why?

In order to write a more effective call to actions, you need to let the recipient know what kind of benefit they get by following your request. A good model to follow is:

  1. What is the recipient supposed to do?
  2. What is the benefit in doing it?

Add 1 and 2 together and you have your sentence!